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Denver sunshine T-shirt

In the world of anime, Denver Sunshine is not just a piece of merchandise but a character in its own right. Denver Sunshine is a magical creature that roams the lands of Denver, spreading joy and happiness wherever it goes.

Denver Sunshine is a being of pure light and energy, with a body made of shimmering golden rays of sunshine. It has the ability to manipulate light and create dazzling displays of color and beauty, bringing smiles to the faces of all those who witness its magic.

The first time we introduced Denver Sunshine was during ETHDenver in 2023. It was another lovely anime design for your KodaDot merch collection. 

This NFT is brought to you by KodaDot -- Polkadot One-stop-shop for NFTs


About KodaDot:
KodaDot is the go-to Polkadot NFT marketplace aggregating nine NFT standards across nine chains. We are a home for a sea of NFTs that came to enjoy our unique features and community. As a carbon-neutral marketplace, we are growing every day. You can learn about KodaDot at our Hello Knowledge Base or read blog posts written by community members.

Designs created by our NFT artists