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KodaDot Logo Mashups #6 Hoodie

KodaDot Logo Mashups series #6

Created by talented NFT artist Skullz, these series of KodaDot Logo Mashups will bring you a mix of exciting designs full of different colors. Each artwork is distinct and one-of-a-kind. In total, we have seven designs. Which one you like the most?   


Skullz has been collaborating with our marketplace for some time. You can find his older collections on KodaDot. We love his style, and that's why we decided to create this series. Read more about him and his art in this interview article.

Premium hoodie:

This hoodie is made of high-quality material. It's so comfy and practical that it'll become your everyday favorite. It's extra soft and has convenient side pockets. Made from organic cotton and recycled polyester, it's the perfect eco-friendly choice. 

About KodaDot:
KodaDot is the go-to Polkadot NFT marketplace aggregating nine NFT standards across nine chains. We are a home for a sea of NFTs that came to enjoy our unique features and community. As a carbon-neutral marketplace, we are growing every day. You can learn about KodaDot at our Hello Knowledge Base or read blog posts written by community members.

Designs created by our NFT artists