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Future of Polkadot - Premium Hoodie

We are happy to add this new Polkadot Decoded 2023 design. Hoodie is made with premium high-quality material. The design is embroidered


Premium hoodie: This hoodie is made of high-quality material. It's so comfy and practical that it'll become your everyday favorite. It's extra soft and has convenient side pockets. Made from organic cotton and recycled polyester, it's the perfect eco-friendly choice.


This edition will soon have its own on-chain NFT. Owners of this merchandise will be able to get it for free. A digital masterpiece intricately woven into the fabric of this remarkable hoodie, the NFT represents the epitome of uniqueness and exclusivity.


By acquiring this exquisite merch, you are not merely buying a hoodie; you are acquiring a piece of history, a tangible token of your support for KodaDot's remarkable open-source development. Your contribution directly funds the ongoing development costs, enabling KodaDot to push boundaries, create groundbreaking NFT solutions, and drive innovation to new heights.


This hoodie encapsulates a commitment to progress and empowerment. We are targeting an audience - dedicated dreamers, visionaries, and change-makers who dare to challenge the status quo. Let's celebrate the intersection of creativity and technology, igniting a spark of inspiration that fuels the relentless pursuit of innovation.

It's the year 2023 and we are in Copenhagen, Denmark. Garret is preparing his notes, and in a hurry, he realizes he doesn't have a paper to write on. That cannot stop a mind like his from expressing his ideas. He is known for his wild imagination and powerful plans. 

Garret grabbed a random napkin and whipped out his trusty marker. His hand moved effortlessly across the napkin's surface as he drew lines and shapes. Before he knew it, he had created something extraordinary—a napkin graph that represented his vision of the future.

Excited by his creation, Garret presented his vision to others. On big screens, you could see his (now popular) napkin. It was streamed in many places in the world, and it was beautiful. 

Word spread quickly throughout the world about Garret's unique presentation, and soon enough, people got motivated more to build and grow his vision. 

About KodaDot:
KodaDot is the go-to Polkadot NFT marketplace aggregating nine NFT standards across nine chains. We are a home for a sea of NFTs that came to enjoy our unique features and community. As a carbon-neutral marketplace, we are growing every day. You can learn about KodaDot at our Hello Knowledge Base or read blog posts written by community members.

Designs created by our NFT artists